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Amenti™ Resonance Therapy (ART)

Health starts with your other body. We have a physical and an energetic body. If your energetic body is out of tune, the physical body will suffer.

What Is Amenti™  Resonance Therapy?

Amenti™  Resonance Therapy (ART) helps to retune your energy body to play its favorite song...HEALTH and VITALITY. Additionally, your cells, organs and body systems have optimal operating frequencies (tones). ART can also provide frequency support to the physical body.

ART uses specifically tuned microcurrent pulses to support your body's natural processes. This breakthrough technology is used to improve cognition & memory as well as rid the body of toxins and immune challenges. 

ART can accelerate your overall back-to-health program with this pulsed microcurrent support.

Sessions are painless, non-invasive and usually last between 15 to 60 minutes.

Amenti™ Resonance Therapy Will:

- Eliminate toxins from the body

- Remove immune challenges

- Restore organ and gland function

- Stimulate brain function

- Improve memory

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