Personalized Weight Management 

Are You Struggling To Achieve Your Weight Goals?

Our one-on-one approach will provide you with the necessary support and guidance to reach your desired goals. 

In addition to clinical testing with a highly trained practitioner, you will receive personalized Nutrition Coaching sessions. Here, you will learn what foods to eat, how to create food plans, and experience a step-by-step advancement to a delicious, healthy diet.

This Program Includes:

  • 12 Clinical appointments
  • 12 Nutrition coaching sessions
  • Clinical testing to determine the root cause of your excess weight.
  • Weekly Health Checks with a Healing Tree Natural Health practitioner.
  • One-on-one Nutrition Coaching sessions with a certified Nutrition Coach.
  • Personally-designed clinical nutrition plan.
  • Practitioner recommendations for Clinical-grade, whole food, in-house supplements targeted for your personal plan.**
  • Bioimpedance Testing to track changes in fat, bones, muscle, and water content (in-office only).
  • Functional Lab Panels (optional, but recommended) to test for food sensitivities and other blood chemistry health restoration markers.*

In-office or virtual programs are available.

CALL NOW 231-766-0780