Type 2 Diabetes

Are you or a loved one dealing with type 2 diabetes? Our patients who have dealt with this illness have seen tremendous results just by identifying the root cause of their illness.
Did you know that more than 34 million Americans have diabetes (about 1 in 10), and approximately 90-95% of them have type 2 diabetes?
Most chronic illnesses are caused by lifestyle choices, poor diet, and stressors.
Stressors are food intolerances, immune system deficiencies, exposure to metal or chemical toxicities, as well as post-pandemic factors.
We use completely natural non-invasive methods and whole food supplementation as well as diet and lifestyle changes to support the body’s own amazing ability to heal.
Your body’s ability to heal itself is greater than anyone has allowed you to believe!
Our Client’s Success Stories
Before I came to Healing Tree, I was very stressed and often had headaches. My joints hurt, especially when I would wake up. I didn’t have much energy throughout the day.
Now, I don’t feel as stressed as before and very rarely get headaches. No more migraines. My joints don’t hurt anymore. I feel I have much more energy.
Bonus: Something I never thought would happen to me… I have lost weight just by following the program that Pamela has me on. I feel great! I feel like I’m getting my life back!
Teresa Erickson
My body was very painful at my joints, especially with my fingers. My knuckles hurt constantly. It was hard to bend with my hips and needed help to get up from my knees.
After 2 weeks on the program my knuckles are almost pain-free and I can move my fingers freely. My other joints are also doing well. I do a lot of horseback riding and can get on without using a cheater step! I’m very pleased.